Photovoltaic Aging Tester
This tester can be used to simulate the power generation and aging process of solar panels with built-in programmable power supplies.
This tester can be used to simulate the power generation and aging process of solar panels with built-in programmable power supplies.
Other applications include controlling, testing, and calibrating photovoltaic modules (e.g., photovoltaic inverter and photovoltaic power optimizer) of residential and commercial systems.
Typical Uses
Solution Catalog
- Product functional testing FCT
- High-speed bus test solution
- RF front-end test solution
- Software testing solution/FPGA acceleration solution
- PCBA modular universal fixture
- 3C MMI automated testing
- Photovoltaic module aging test
- AI vision industrial application solution
- AI Vision Business Application Solution
Contact Us
Smartgiant Technology 1800 Wyatt Dr, Unit 3, Santa Clara, CA 95054.
Email: info@smartgiant.com

Contact Us
Smartgiant Technology 1800 Wyatt Dr, Unit 3, Santa Clara, CA 95054.
Email: info@smartgiant.com