RF Testing-MIPI RFFE Controller
Utilizing MIPI RFFE v2.1 and compatible with SPMI, SPI, I²C, I³C, our controller is designed with dual independent interfaces to support various RFFE components, such as filter, power amplifiers (PA), and low noise amplifiers (LNA). Connectivity options include USB or Ethernet, allowing the controller to interface with PCs or testing instruments. Smartgiant also designs management software for the controller to facilitate centralized online testing.
Utilizing MIPI RFFE v2.1 and compatible with SPMI, SPI, I²C, I³C, our controller is designed with dual independent interfaces to support various RFFE components, such as filter, power amplifiers (PA), and low noise amplifiers (LNA). Connectivity options include USB or Ethernet, allowing the controller to interface with PCs or testing instruments. Smartgiant also designs management software for the controller to facilitate centralized online testing.
Typical Uses
- Configurable RFFE interface voltage (1.2–3.3 V)
- Configurable clock RFFE interface signal (≤ 52 MHz)
- Built-in programmable power supply (≤ 2 A)
- Bidirectional high-speed GPIOs (×4)
- TRIG port available
- Product functional testing FCT
- High-speed bus test solution
- RF front-end test solution
- Software testing solution/FPGA acceleration solution
- PCBA modular universal fixture
- 3C MMI automated testing
- Photovoltaic module aging test
- AI vision industrial application solution
- AI Vision Business Application Solution
Contact Us
Smartgiant Technology 1800 Wyatt Dr, Unit 3, Santa Clara, CA 95054.
Email: info@smartgiant.com

Contact Us
Smartgiant Technology 1800 Wyatt Dr, Unit 3, Santa Clara, CA 95054.
Email: info@smartgiant.com