Smartgiant Enhances Safety Protocols with Successful Fire Safety Evacuation Drills
To fortify its commitment to safety and emergency preparedness, Smartgiant conducted comprehensive “2020 Fire Safety Evacuation Drills” on December 17, 2020, at E Valley Park located in the Panshan Headquarters. The drills were a part of the company’s proactive strategy to prevent major fire safety incidents, enhance its emergency management systems, and safeguard both company assets and the personal safety of its employees.
Drill Activities and Training:
1. Evacuation Procedure:
The drill began with the ringing of the alarm bell, simulating a fire scenario. Prompted by the alarm, employees quickly evacuated the office areas and assembled at the designated safe zone in E Valley Park, demonstrating efficiency and rapid response.

2.Fire Safety Education:
Employees received valuable fire safety instruction from the fire safety officer of the Shiqi Town Fire Squadron. The training session covered essential fire safety knowledge and included demonstrations on the proper use of fire protection equipment and fire masks.

3.Hands-On Extinguisher Use:
The practical segment of the drill involved the use of fire hydrants. Fire safety officers guided employees through the process, ensuring that everyone could confidently handle and operate the equipment to extinguish fires effectively.

The fire drill was a resounding success, marked by the enthusiastic participation of the company’s management and staff. As a result, employees significantly enhanced their awareness of fire prevention and improved their self-rescue capabilities. They learned to identify potential fire hazards and execute necessary emergency measures to ensure a rapid, orderly, and effective response to incidents.

Smartgiant remains dedicated to maintaining a safe workplace and will continue to invest in safety training and emergency preparedness to protect its employees and facilities.
Contact Us
Smartgiant Technology 1800 Wyatt Dr, Unit 3, Santa Clara, CA 95054.
Email: info@smartgiant.com

Contact Us
Smartgiant Technology 1800 Wyatt Dr, Unit 3, Santa Clara, CA 95054.
Email: info@smartgiant.com