| Stock Code: 688115
| SC: 688115

Body Feature Recognition

Body Feature Recognition

AI video cameras are commonly used in crowded public places (e.g., shopping malls and convention centers) to capture and analyze foot traffic. Captured faces are compared with the system face library and tagged as returned or new visitors.


AI video cameras are commonly used in crowded public places (e.g., shopping malls and convention centers) to capture and analyze foot traffic. Captured faces are compared with the system face library and tagged as returned or new visitors. Other body features (e.g., clothes and accessories) are also tagged and correlated across regions to improve the mapping of people flow.


• People flow management: strategic routing according to correlated tags

• Standardized service system: service staff in response to customer needs

• Operational efficiency: store layout maximizing profits and customer satisfaction

• Security assurance: real-time monitoring in case of emergency